Managing Emotions Vs Having wealth

Warren Buffet said, “until you manage your emotions don’t expect to have wealth”

 Manage what you already have, then you will be able to manage your money. Barriers to wealth as we conclude is a lack of awareness, understanding and control of your emotions. 

 And.. As Plato said Excessive pain and pleasure are regarded as the greatest disease to which soul is viable. The one verifies the other, expressing the same concept! 

 I assume that knowing thyself and managing the emotions you figured out can be your superpower!



Passive income?

I’m sure many heard of the passive income concept but a business page/funnel was never passive income.


I was trapped to that concept also.


But doing what we love is what makes things coming naturally, passively.



How to Leverage the System

You are incentivized to set up a venture with a fair balance of freedom and protection.

You can serve and sell immediately with freedom to reach a global audience with ever-decrease overheads and risk. Price regulate themselves and increase them based on a meritocracy and the more value you give. You get tax breaks to maintain a sustainable profit margin and you generate significant revenues for the state. You are free to build assets, income and profit, and encourage to re-invest to keep your product and service competitive.

The more money you make under fair exchange the more you benefit and contribute to society, and the more your self growth increases. (Money, Capitalism and Leveraging the System, article by Rob Moore)


Giver or Taker?

We can’t receive without giving. So give more to receive more A measurement of receiving more, and therefore giving more, is materialism. It is the intention of spirit converted into matter. If you are generous indeed, you will receive more in return.

You need to spend and increase the flow of money, to attract more money. Many suggest that wealth is best tasted and shared through experiences rather than objects of desire.

Givers are found that last more successful than takers as we know from statistics. It can be service or any material doesn’t matter. As more service related to the current needs presented the more money can be converted.


Time VS Money

I was thinking about this lately. It is better to learn someone fishing instead of giving a fish.

It could be argued that the best form of charity is education and enterprise, while it feels good to dominate money people feel it doesn’t all go where it is intended. Offering your time for teaching and guideline it is better than giving money.

Time is the most precious value someone can give to an other. Time never comes back, instead money does.

Giving guidelines spending time is priceless. Time this days is undervalued so much. Invest time instead of money could turn into money sometime. Don’t underestimate the power of time investment for your growth as a human being in business and so on. Everything is correlated to personal growth..


An Indirect Approach for Goals

What skills do I need to be rich?

We often look at things in 3rd dimension of this world In a direct way of getting things done.

There are 20 rules that the author P.T Burnum describes an indirect way of getting rich. Which is personal development as well as building a good character within.

By the moment a person has good values and mindset success is inevitable.. [Tom Butler-Bowdon]


🎯 Is your Audience Targeted?

🧐 Target Audience for a business.. .


🤩 It is essential for your landing page (product/service) promotion. If your audience is not targeted may search for you and not find for so long, maybe ages. By targeting them you actually help them…


🤪 It is like they ask something and you leave it aside or in front of other people’s eyes…


🙃 And they may look like in the picture below, wandering and staring until they get what they want-need! 👇



Blooming Business

When a flower is blooming, it is tracking sunlight. When your business is blooming you are tracking your purpose (goal).

The flower is like chasing sun, while it is blooming on the side. Let’s say the flower is You, the spore is your idea and leaves are the main components of your business that make it shine!

I perceive the flower as a symbolic representation of a business but without your focus on the sun (purpose) there is no growth. Everything comes easier and growth comes by its nature to just grow when focus is on the right direction. It will seem like a side effect of when you gather all your focus with obsession to what motivates you most.



Health equals to Wealth.

Warren Buffet says having good genes is essential for having wealth. This in my opinion is true when it comes to wealth generation. Being in good health condition we don’t just endure more years in life but can be more effective and productive!

Living in great vitality, health and maintaining good energy will grow your wealth exponentially. While going for log work/doing a daily exercise waking 3 hours earlier than working hours are some habits that could increase the productivity for more effective work. It is true that long hours are not key for success, but short and productive are far beyond what people expect as a success factor!

As I said in previous articles hard work is an illusive perception when it comes for Wealth generation and success!


⏱ Life-long learning

We think that we know everything..

 Did you know that 85% of millionaires read 2 or 3 books every month. Most of these books are on subjects of career, self-help, how-to- books, history, biographies, of successful people, health, current evets, memory improvement and learning, psychology, leadership, science, new age, inspiration positive mental outlook.

 This research is not a ready and get reach, wouldn’t be nice to be like this? I think should be! Don’t read and just say in the end: “I read it”. Then it would be just for this one and only achievement not for more, true growth. Reading and spreading the word that we read a book offers a dopamine as a boost for more books. But that’s not the case at all. Is the book useful for gaining worthy knowledge. Or is it a “block” filling avoid on a shelf.

 It’s not hard to read books but to give you clarity about the effectiveness, according to Tom Corley it will make you a millionaire in 32 years on average.

 You are what you think about! 

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